Community Covenant

At our Baptism our parents and godparents made a covenant with God on our behalf – it is the outline of what it means to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ.  One of the most fundamental covenants reads, “Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?”  To which your parents and godparents replied, “I will with God’s help.”

Covenants differ from contracts insofar as a contract allows for the other party to take action when the other is wronged.  A covenant is not so straightforward.  A covenant tells the other party that I understand you cannot fulfill your end of the contract and that I will have to exert more of myself for this covenant to truly work (which is why we enter into a covenant with God and not a contract – we know [and He knows] full well that we will not be able to make a 50/50 division of labor with God. 

For visitors to St. John’s, beginning on June 2nd, we will no longer be mandating masks and social distancing, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask please continue to do so – we will respect your decision.  We will also begin receiving Holy Communion from the communion rail and distributing from the chalice.  If you are not comfortable with that please speak with the clergy and other options for the distribution of Holy Communion can be discussed.

This covenant is made between members of St. John’s and the public who may visit, worship, meet or pray on our grounds.  We covenant that we will:

  • Remain home if we feel ill and join the service or meeting online

  • Wash and/or sanitize our hands often

  • Ensure that frequently touched areas of our building are sanitized between services and groups who use our spaces

  • Not enter our church or its property for any reason when we or a member of household has tested positive for COVID-19 for at least 10 days

  • Assist with contact tracing with a spirit of caring when called upon to do so